Our Missions
Explore Our Missions
Bibles In Indian Languages
A Bible distribution method that affords missionaries in India and Africa an occupation
God is honored in the production process at Sanma Bible Press. We are not a commercial printer that prints huge quantities of everything. Sanma Bible Press is a smaller operation that is exclusive for Bibles. When Bibles are not printed, the press remains idle. It is a place where ministers of the Word come together to pray for the places and people that need Bibles, produce the Bibles in their languages, and respectfully deliver where they need them.

Freedom Goats
A Christian approach to Child Labor that deprives 23 million children of a childhood.
This is a program that provides a supplemental income for families with a minimum amount of time and space to be dedicated to it. With some financial freedom, parents of less resourced families can keep their children from having to join the workforce to earn money to help their families. Distribution of goats and other animals has helped people earn better livings, and to care for their children. These tools have allowed people to experience God’s blessings in their lives as they practice His principles.
Shoes For Children
Protecting the feet of less fortunate children from contaminated soil.
Children live in the slums get sick oftener because they’re constantly exposed to contaminated soil around their dwellings. When a child is sick, a parent loses the wages, which equates to the basic needs of the very day. To many children a pair of shoes is a cherished gift that their parents can’t afford.

Sewing Machines
A Christian approach to women empowerment and human trafficking.
A sewing machine affords young women to earn an income at home and gives the ability to resist practices such as human trafficking. Missionary families and members of the church earn a living through this mission. Ordinary people become influential displays of the Gospel. Financial conditions of her family forced Roopa to discontinue school. Like many others in her situation, her beauty became her enemy. She was a target for human traffickers. When in system the rich grew very rich, and the poor is exploited, opportunity for a worthy life becomes rare.
Fresh Water Wells
Provides fresh water for struggling neighborhoods.
The Samaritan woman had to travel away from her village for water
because her village was not rich enough to own a well. The society
considered them not worthy to get the attention of their leaders. Centuries
later, human nature remains the same. The people of SB Nagar hamlet
didn’t have enough worth for their leaders to bring water lines for them.
Their women walked about a mile each way fetching water for their daily
needs. Sanma water wells comforted an oppressed community of 1,100
families. The wells gave them water. Strife over access to water can be
common at places where water sources are scarce. We seek to use our wells
as a bond of love and caring within the community, offering water for all
who need them it . After all, it is water, created by God. We just brought it
up to the surface . and made it available to all.